
Descargar Roxio Toast Titanium 11 PR0 MAC OSX gratis

Roxio Toast Titanium 11 PR0 MAC OSX

Roxio Toast Titanium 11 PR0 MAC OSX | 2.47 GB

Toast 11 is the ultimate media toolkit that lets you easily capture copy convert and share your digital media on disc the web or any device.

Make the most of Toast-s completely redesigned sleek and intuitive interface and built-in video tutorials. In addition to the standard Toast 11 Titanium Roxio also offers Toast 11 Pro which includes all the same things as Titanium but adds the HD/BD plug-in a full version of Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 FotoMagico 3 RE SoundSoap 2 SE and the SoundSoap Audio Units plug-in and Sonicfire Pro 5.
- Redesigned user interface & built-in video tutorials
- Up to 2x faster H.264 video conversion
- Internet and Mac audio capture- without the application sounds
- Multiple drive support for burning & copying
- Preserve original subtitles when converting video for iPad or iPhone
- Span Audio CD projects across multiple discs
- Blu-ray Disc Plug-in for Blu-ray and DVD video authoring (part of Pro Bundle ONLY)
- NEW! Fotomagico- 3 RE for spectacular photo & video stories in HD
- BIAS SoundSoap- 2 SE and NEW! Toast Plug-in for noise removal
- SmartSound Sonicfire- Pro 5 for creating awesome custom soundtracks

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